Title : No Household Plants in Antarctica Type : Antarctic EAM NSF Org: OD / OPP Date : February 06, 1991 File : opp93023 DIVISION OF POLAR PROGRAMS OFFICE OF SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH 202/357-7766 MEMORANDUM Date: February 6, 1991 From: Environmental Officer, DPP Subject: Environmental Action Memorandum (Prohibitions Against Maintenance of Household Plants at U.S. Antarctic Program Stations and Facilities) To: Files (S.7 - Environment) In line with requirements of the Antarctic Conservation Act [Section 4. Prohibited Acts (a) (C)], and its regulations [Subpart B, Section 670.4 (f)], the Senior U.S. Representative, Antarctica issued a directive reminding U.S. Antarctic Program participants of prohibitions against maintenance of household plants at U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP) stations and facilities. That directive is attached to this Environmental Action Memorandum. To further implement the directive, this Environmental Action Memorandum details approved methods for disposition of any household plants (and associated materials) that currently may be at USAP stations or facilities. Disposition of Household Plants Any household plants, associated growth media (e.g., soil), and associated growth containers currently at any USAP station or facility shall be turned over immediately to the NSF Representative (or designee). Such plants and growth media shall be incinerated in a suitable metal waste collection barrel (non- plastic growth containers shall be incinerated at the same time). The resultant ash and debris shall be retrograded from Antarctica following approved procedures. No plastic growth containers shall be incinerated (these shall be compacted and placed in a suitable metal waste collection barrel for subsequent retrograde from Antarctica). Special handling or approvals may be required for the retrograde of these soil "contaminated" plastic growth containers. Sidney Draggan Attachment cc: Safety, Environment and Health Officer, DPP MEMORANDUM DATE : January 26, 1991 FROM : Senior U. S. Representative, Antarctica SUBJECT : Household Plants TO : Distribution Over the last few years personnel in McMurdo have begun to grow house plants both as a form of recreation and to brighten up their surroundings. While the National Science Foundation understands that these activities are obviously a boost to morale, they are also contrary to the Antarctic Conservation Act and the agreed measures of the Antarctic Treaty. The prohibition against plants is designed to protect the natural Antarctic biota from inadvertent introduction of non-indigenous species. The agreed measures do allow for the growth of plants, in controlled environments, for later consumption. McMurdo has a green house, maintained and improved by a group of volunteers led by Phil Sadler. We encourage participation in this activity, and will consider ways that it may be expanded. The U.S. Antarctic Program must come into compliance with our obligations under the agreed measures, US law and NSF regulations so consequently any plants that are being grown outside of a controlled environment must be destroyed. The enforcement of these measures are provided for under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978. SIGNED Peter E Wilkniss Distribution: Commander, Naval Support Force Antarctica Resident Manager, Antarctic Support Associates All DMX mail boxes. NSF Washington, Science, OSEH, PCI and Ops NSF Representative, Palmer Station ASA Station Manager, South Pole [52] From: sdraggan at nsf7 2/11/91 11:03AM (836 bytes: 17 ln) To: palmer@atsvax.rsmas.miami.edu at INTERNET, sdraggan, tforhan, alsuther, ppenhale Subject: HOUSEHOLD PALNTS / BURN EXCEPTION ------ Message Contents ------------------------------- PALMER.STA PASS TO P. PENHALE: 1. YOU ARE CORRECT IN ASSUMING THAT THE "ONE-TIME" BURNING OF HOUSEHOLD PLANTS NOW ON STATION IS AN EXCEPTION TO PALMER'S ON-GOING "NO BURN" POLICY. 2. PALMER STATION IS AUTHORIZED IN THIS CASE TO BURN SUBJECT HOUSEHOLD PLANTS AND ASSOCIATED GROWTH MEDIA AND CONTAINERS (EXCEPT PLASTIC CONTAINERS). 3. YOU ARE CORRECT IN OBTAINING GUIDANCE FROM DENVER ON RETROGRADE OF NON-BURNED MATERIALS ASSOCIATED WITH HOUSEHOLD PLANTS. 4. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. 5. PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS MESSAGE. S. DRAGGAN