From the 1993/94 Orient Lines Marco Polo brochure...

Punta Arenas, Chile

This turnaround point for many of our cruises lies on the shores of the Strait of Magellan, named after the explorer who sailed these waters in 1520. Today, it is the commercial center of southern Chile, although still closely tied to the legend of the great explorer. Local custom says that those who rub the foot of the Magellan statue in the central Plaza de Armas will have good luck -- and return once again.

Side note

Claudio R. Otero ( has told me that the real local custom regarding the staue of Magellan in Punta Arenas is that those who kiss the foot of the Patagonian indian on the Magellan Statue will have good luck and return again, and that the same is true for those who eat calafate, a (presumably local) tropical fruit.

You may wish to examine a photo of the statue, which I took while on the trip.

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