Pr. Kristin Schultz - 5th Sunday after the Epiphany – Salt and Light
February 06, 2017
Today’s gospel lesson continues the Sermon on the Mount –
Jesus’ on-the-job training for his disciples.
He has just finished telling them that God blesses those who are rarely seen as blessed,
– the meek, those who mourn, the merciful, the peacemakers,
Now he says to them – You are salt of the earth. You are light of the world.
Pr. Kristin Schultz 1.29.17 Sermon on the Beautitudes
January 30, 2017
The lessons we read this morning work together to tell us something about God,
and what God values.
Micah reminds us:
What does God require of you?
Do justice; love kindness; walk humbly with God.